Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 15, No. 3, 2006

Some Classes of Binary Operations in Approximate Reasoning

József Tick, János Fodor

The aim of this paper is to study some binary operations in approximate reasoning. In the first part we summarize a former practical investigation of the applicability of the implication function based on the nilpotent minimum in that framework [1]. We also present some numerical examples to illustrate the results. In the second part we recall a constructive approach to the axiomatics of generalized modus ponens (GMP) published in [5]. As a consequence, a system of functional equations is obtained. Idempotent as well as non-idempotent conjunctions fulfilling this system are studied. The obtained results support the use of noncommutative and non-associative conjunctions and the corresponding implications in approximate reasoning.


Approximate reasoning; generalized modus ponens; nilpotent minimum, and the related implication; conjunctions; Rand S-implications.

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