Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 16, No. 1, 2007

A Discrete Time Control Synthesis Tool for Time Discrete Event Systems

Alexandre SAVA, Zied ACHOUR, Nidhal REZG, Ioana LEAHU

This paper presents a control synthesis software tool for manufacturing systems with a driven dynamic event. This tool is based on an original control synthesis algorithm which solves the forbidden state problem (FSP) under the following hypothesis: 1) each event may occur at time instants specified by an interval or a union of intervals; 2) two types of events are considered: controllable and incontrollable events and 3) the evolution of time is discrete. This tool generates a live and maximally permissive controller which can 1) act on the arriving date of controllable events or 2) completely forbid some controllable events. The aim is to guaranty the respect of the given specifications.


Forbidden state problem, Petri Nets, control synthesis, time constraints.

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