Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 16, No. 1, 2007

Localization Algorithm of Time Disturbances in Tolerant Multi-product Job-shops

Nabil Jerbi, Simon Collart Dutilleul, Etienne Craye, Mohamed Benrejeb

This paper deals with time disturbances localization in critical time manufacturing job-shops. In such systems, operation times are included between a minimum and a maximum value. Controlled P-time Petri nets are used for modeling. Some definitions and a series of lemmas are quoted in order to build a theory dealing with such problem. They are illustrated step by step on examples of a given workshop. A new algorithm built upon the lemmas results is provided in order to localize time disturbances occurrence.


P-time Petri net, time constraints, tolerant systems, time disturbance, localization.

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