Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 17, No. 2, 2008


1. New Results in Control of Steady-State Large-Scale Systems

Bai-Wu Wan, Xiao-E Ruan, Ding Liu

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2. Leakage Detection and Localisation in Drinking Water Distribution Networks by MultiRegional PCA

Kazimierz Duzinkiewicz, Krzysztof Mazur, Adam Borowa, Michał Grochowski, Mietek A. Brdys, Krzysztof Jezior

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3. Networked Hydrographical Systems: A Reactive Control Strategy Integrating Time Transfer Delays

Eric Duviella, Pascale Chiron, Philippe Charbonnaud

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4. Presentation of Some Metaheuristics for the Optimization of Complex Systems

Fatma Tangour, Pierre Borne

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5. On the Piecewise Continuous Control of Methane Fermentation Processes

A. Chamroo, I. Simeonov, C. Vasseur, N. Christov

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6. A Digital Flatness-based Control System of a DC Motor

Mounir Ayadi, Jospeh Haggège, Soufiène Bouallègue, Mohamed Benrejeb

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7. A Compliance Control of a Hyperredundant Robot

Mircea Ivanescu, Mihaela Cecilia Florescu, Nirvana Popescu, Decebal Popescu

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8. Emergent Dynamic Routing Using Intelligent Agents in Mobile Computing

Florin Leon, Mihai Horia Zaharia, Dan Gâlea

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9. Decision Making Process: A Collaborative Perspective

Pascale Zaraté

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10. Computational Environment Generation for Computer Algebra Systems

Svetlana Cojocaru

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