Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 19, No. 3, 2010

Management of Web Services Communities, WSC System

Victor Popa, Liliana Constantinescu, Victoriana Popa, Maria Moise, Carmen Rotună

The paper presents the system WSC, designed to provide modeling, organization, management and execution of Web services. The Service and Community ontologies are used for modeling of the Web services and Web services communities. Web Services are organized in semantic communities, in order to be easily accessed. Thus, the users of system navigate through the taxonomy of communities and invoke the target generic operations of communities. If an invoked operation requires some pre-operations to be executed before it, the system builds process diagram for these pre-operations. The user executes interactively each operation of diagram process using the interface provided by the system.


community ontology, service ontology, registration of services with communities, process diagrams, invocation of community’s generic operations, execution of Web service’s methods.

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