Remote control and execution gives the possibility of designing applications where any controller can have access to high computational power and knowledge just by use of standard network interfaces. This work describes the structure and components of a system that allows a user to select an algorithm from a web library, configure the execution parameters and remotely control a plant application that is implemented based on the IEC 61499 standard. The system is based on open technologies like php, Java and IEC 61499 function blocks allowing the easy integration and interoperability of its components. The system was successfully tested and represents a novel approach in developing flexible, efficient and reliable applications.
web application; remote execution; distributed systems; function block programming; software integration
Oana ROHAT, Dan POPESCU, "Web System for the Remote Control and Execution of an IEC 61499 Application", Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 23(3), pp. 297-3-6, 2014.