Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 3, No. 1, 1994

Beyond the Object Oriented Analysis


Dcveloping a computer-based system is essentially a transformation process of a conceptual representation emerging from the user's informal requirements into an operational system. As known, the user's requirements in the early phases of the system development are imprecise, incomplete, often inconsistent or partial wrong, themselves in evolution. The impossibility of having from the start an accurate description of the user's application universe is mostly due to the analyst's particular universe of discourse in which the user recognizes with difficulty how his or her real and future systems were mapped. It is visible for the last two decades a permanent tendency of approaching the analyst universe to the uset's real world. It is very true that the object-oriented (OO) approach brought nearer the two points of view, but the OO paradigm is still too general or abstract to be easily operational for non-professionals. Moreover, the OO paradigm is inadequate for many business applications or at least for some components of them. That is why, to improve the impact of the OO paradigm and to tune its undoubted breakthroughs in analysis, more nuanced OO analysis methods are needed. The paper introduces a method of system analysis for eliciting the requirements and functionalities of systems in the early stages of system development life cycle. The method is aimed to bring the analyst's universe nearer to the user. It differs from them in some premises and in their argumentation as well as in requirements specification langunges.


System development life-cycle, analysis method, structured analysis, object oriented analysis, conceptual approach, conceptual decoupling of concerns, object facet, facet cluster, algebra environment, DFD, ERD, STD

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