Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 31, No. 3, 2022

B2S4B: A Platform for Smart City Business Processes Management and Adaptation


This paper deals with the design and development of the B2S4B platform that bridges Smart City ecosystems (the business world) and city sensors: the IoT and citizens (the IoT and the social worlds). This platform allows the reconfiguration of Smart City business processes (BPs) based on the detected events and knowledge derived over time. In support of this, the concept of Smart City Observers (SCO) was introduced which acts as a man-in-a-middle between BPs, and the IoT and the social worlds by defining what should be monitored and how the respective observations could impact these worlds. In its turn, B2S4B analyses the detected events from all active SCOs and based on the predefined knowledge allows the synchronized reconfiguration of a BP and of the city sensors that feed the SCOs with accurate information. This paper proposes an approach for manual and automatic adaptation of Smart City BPs based on events reported by SCOs. In order to demonstrate the usability and effectiveness of the proposed approach this paper illustrates how this platform could be used in a case study on Smart City traffic control.


Smart City, Business process, Internet of Things, Social Media.

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