Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 4, No. 1, 1995

Object Oriented Approach to Software Engineering for CIMIA

Florin-Gheorghe Filip, Gabriel Neagu

The object-oriented approach (OOA) is one of the most actively addressed topics in today software engineering. The main advantages of this approach include structuring capabilities, unity of the communication mechanism between modules, diminution of code redundancy, clear delimitation of programmers' tasks, increasing reusabilily of previously generated code. For system analysis and design activities the major benefit of OOA consists in the natural matching between reality and model. Abstraction power, structuring flexibility, interaction expressiveness, robustness of OO design with respect to the requirement changes, are but some most attractive OOA features for these activities. Seven prime motivations and benefits of the OO analysis are identified in [C&Y9la]: tackle more challenging problem domains, improve analyst and problem domain expert interaction, increase the internal consistency of analysis results, explicitly represent commonality, build specifications resilient to change, reuse analysis results, provide a consistent underlying representation.


Object Oriented Approach, Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, Intelligent Automation

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