Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 5, No. 3, 1996

BOOK REVIEW - Mathematical Control Theory: An Introduction

Vasile Sima

Well-written, this book is a self-contained and concise presentation of modern mathematical control theory for deterministic systems, focuss­ ing on typical and characteristic results. Linear and nonlinear systems, as well as infinite dimen­sional linear systems are dealt with. Some of the overlooked topics are discrete-time systems, and stochastic systems. This option made it possi­ble to unify presentation and style. Mathematical control theory is a distinct branch of mathematics, which has recorded an explosive development, in the last decades. One of the main points of the reviewed book is its impressive ability to get together a huge amount of theoretical results and offer the reader a valu­able guidance in effectively using these results.

by Jerzy Zabczyk


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