Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 5, No. 3, 1996

NeuroPipe - A Neural Network Based System for Ultrasonic Inspection

Robert Suna, Karsten Berns

With a probe for gas, oil and other pipelines a huge number of ultrasonic readings of the wall condition is collected. Based on the recorded wall thicknesses of this so-called pipe pig the Re­ search Center for Computer Science (FZI) has de­ veloped an automatic inspection system called Neu­roPipe. NeuroPipe has the task to detect defects like metal loss. The kernel of this inspection tool is a hy­brid neural classifier which was trained using man­ually collected defect examples by the Pipetronix company. This paper focuses on some aspects of successful use of learning methods in an industrial application and on the difficulty of interpretation of sometimes faulty sensor measurements.


Neural network, interactive learning process, hybrid pattern recognition

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