Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 7, No. 1, 1998

BOOK REVIEW - Elements of Multivariate Time Series Analysis

Theodor-Dan Popescu

This book is justified by the use of methods of time series analysis in the study of multivariate time series, that has become of increased interest in recent years. In spite of the fact that the meth­ods are rather well-developed and under­stood for univariate time series analysis, the situation is not so good for the mul­tivariate case. The present book is ded­icated to introducing the basic concepts and methods that are useful in the analy­sis and modelling of multivariate time series. The book includes both traditional topics such as auto-covariance and auto­ correlation matrices of stationary pro­cesses, properties of vector ARMA mod­els, forecasting of the ARMA processes, least-squares and maximum likelihood estimation techniques for AR and ARMA models, and model checking diagnostics for residuals, as well as topics of more recent interest for vector ARMA mod­els such as reduced-rank structure, struc­tural indices, scalar component models, canonical correlation analyses for vector time series, multivariate unit-root models and cointegration structure, state­ space models and Kalman filtering tech­niques and applications.

by Gregory C. Reinsel


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