Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 8, No. 3, 1999

Methods for Distribution Of the Cryptographic Keys in A Computer Network

Eugen Petac, Alexandru D. Sotir

The paper presents some new methods for the implementation of privacy enhancement in a packet­ switched local -area network, using Elliptic Curve Public­ Keys Cryptography for the distribution of cryptographic keys. The cryptographic importance of the Elliptic Curve Public Keys Cryptosystems (ECPKC) is justified by the difficulty in finding discrete logarithms over the finite fields. The different forms that the secret keys may have, if compared to the public keys, recommend the use of ECPKC especially for their using smart cards in the distributed systems as well, where there are limits as far as the computation and integration power is concerned. For computing in finite extensions over finite rings we have used the ZEN-new toolbox [I]: there are some computing routines implementing the group law defined for an elliptic curve.


Public Keys Cryptosystems, Elliptic Curve Public Keys Cryptosystems, Communication Systems, Certification Authorities, Elliptic Curve, Communication Protocols, Distributed Systems

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