Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 16, No. 1, 2007


1. Editorial

Etienne Craye, Nidhal Rezg

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2. Supervisory Control Based on Vector Synchronous Product of Automata

Yangzhou Chen, W. M. Wonham

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3. Localization Algorithm of Time Disturbances in Tolerant Multi-product Job-shops

Nabil Jerbi, Simon Collart Dutilleul, Etienne Craye, Mohamed Benrejeb

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4. Deadlock Analysis of Petri Nets Based on the Resource Share Places Relationship

Sanghwan Kim, Sangho Lee, Jongkun Lee

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5. A Discrete Time Control Synthesis Tool for Time Discrete Event Systems

Alexandre SAVA, Zied ACHOUR, Nidhal REZG, Ioana LEAHU

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6. Time Floating General Mutual Exclusion Constraints (TFGMEC)

Zied Achour, Nidhal Rezg

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7. Automatic Design of Control Laws Based on Petri Net Formalism for Complex Discrete Event Systems

Deschamps Eric, Henry Sébastien, Zamaï Eric

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8. Repulsive/Attractive Discrete State Space Sets for Switching Management

Oulaïd KAMACH, Éric NIEL, Laurent PIÉTRAC

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9. Automated Control, Observation, and Diagnosis of Multi-layer Condition Systems

Jeffrey Ashley, Lawrence E. Holloway

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10. A Synthesis Approach for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems Design Based on Petri Nets

Armand Toguyeni, Nathalie Dangoumau, Eun Joo Lee

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11. A Product-Driven Reconfigurable Control for Shop Floor Systems

David Gouyon, Jean-François Pétin, Gérard Morel

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12. Book Review - Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm – 9th Edition

Florin Gheorghe Filip

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